Cancer Support Resources and Links
“Support” can refer to any services required by those affected by cancer, including self-help and support, information, psychological support, symptom control, social support, rehabilitation, and spiritual support.
Cancer Council Victoria:
Cancer Council Victoria provide Optimal Care Pathways so you can access high-quality and evidence based information regarding your cancer. The pathways help you with questions to ask your health professionals, what care should happen at each stage of your journey and best cancer care for specific types of cancer.
Loddon Mallee Integrated Cancer Service (LMICS):
LMICS has developed an interactive map where you can locate many supportive care services in your local area. Go to the Regional Map and Loddon Mallee Directory
Useful numbers & links
Mental Health Resources
Australia has great mental health services and resources, but it can be tough finding the ones that suit you best. This search Head to Health is made easier by hand picking resources from publicly funded providers.
- Mortgage Relief Scheme – 1800 134 872
- Utility Relief Scheme – 1800 658 521
Legal Assistance
- Legal referral services – 13 11 20
Family Concerns
- Commonwealth Respite Centre – 1800 059 059
Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)
Rural Victorians are eligible for travel and accommodation subsidies when they travel more than 100 kilometres for specialist medical treatment. You must meet all the eligibility criteria and complete VPTAS form to apply. Click here to access information and application form.