Cancer Support
Cancer Support
Support for people impacted by cancer takes many forms and looks different for each individual. The following are some examples of support services:
- Information
- Symptom management
- Social support
- Psychological support
- Palliative care.
Cancer Support Groups
Cancer support groups offer people with common issues the opportunity to meet and share their experiences, knowledge, fear and emotions is a safe environment. Support groups can help you:
- Improve your coping skills
- Improve your emotional wellbeing by connecting with other people who have experienced cancer
- Fulfil a purpose of wanting to support other people going through their cancer journey
- Improve your knowledge about cancer and share useful information to other members.
Support can be found in a number of ways:
- Face to face groups
- Online forums
- Social media.
Support groups are often run in a local community venue.
Click here to: Find a support group through the Cancer Council Victoria or you may wish to search for a local support group within the Loddon Mallee Region.
Wild Orchids Support Group Brochure
Echuca Moama Men’s Cancer Group Brochure
Cancer Council
Anyone impacted by cancer (e.g. yourself, or a family/friend) is able to call the Cancer Council Hotline 13 11 20 to speak with a cancer nurse. Cancer Council Victoria have also released a one-stop shop patient support resource which provides a roadmap of Victorians affected by cancer, directing you to local services and information in your area. Click here to access the page