Supporting everyone to be healthy and live well

Labour and Birthing

Maternity Ward phone 03 5485 5301

If you think you are in labour, please ring the Maternity ward and speak with a midwife prior to presenting. When you present, please come to the front entrance in office hours where you will be directed to the ward. Out of hours (5.30pm – 8.00am) present to the Emergency Department and they will escort you to the ward.

The Birthing Suites are comfortable modern rooms equipped with baths and showers.

After the birth of your baby, you will be moved to one of our single postnatal rooms with an ensuite for the remainder of your stay.

Your support person is welcome to stay one night after the birth.


The Birth of your Baby

You are in labour, when do I come to hospital?

The best place to be in early labour is in the comfort of your home, where you have the freedom to move around, rest and eat in your own familiar surroundings. By doing this, labour can progress in a familiar space. Please contact the Maternity ward at any time if you have any questions or would like to present.

You should call or present if:

  • You can’t feel your baby move or movements have changed.
  • You have a severe or persistent headache.
  • Yours waters break.
  • If you have vaginal bleeding that is not mixed with mucus. Bleeding mixed with mucus is a show, a sign of labour progression. If unsure, please contact Maternity for further advice.
  • Your contractions are regular, lasting more than 30 seconds and closer than 5 minutes apart.
  • You need pain relief.
  • You’re unsure about what is happening and you are no longer happy to stay at home.
  • You think labour has started and you are less than 37 weeks.

Partner/Support Person

During labour and birth, it is important to have a support person present to assist you throughout this time. This can be your partner, mother, sister or close friend.

ideally your childbirth support person will attend childbirth education classes with you, so they are aware of your special needs and requests going into labour.

They are also an important spokesperson for you when labour is established.


Echuca Regional Health’s Nursery has the equipment available for short term treatment of unwell babies. Babies who are unwell, requiring additional supports, may be transferred to a higher-level nursery at Bendigo, Shepparton or Melbourne, depending on availability.

If you go into labour prior to 37 weeks’ gestation, you will require transfer to a hospital which a Special Care Nursery. This will be arranged by the doctor and maternity staff.

Length of Stay

Length of stay depends on the recovery of the birthing person and wellbeing of the newborn.

If comfortable and medically safe to do so, you are able to discharge 4-6 hours after birth.

For a vaginal birth you are able to stay two nights.

For a caesarean birth you are able to stay three nights.

Length of stay is individualised to the needs of each birthing person. Some will feel comfortable to be discharged prior to these proposed timeframes.

Visiting Hours

A primary support person is welcome to stay with you for the duration of your hospital stay.

11.00am – 1.00pm daily

Rest period: 1.00pm – 3.00pm

3.00pm – 7.00pm daily


What to Pack in your Hospital Bags


  • Comfortable clothing
  • Several pairs of underwear
  • Water bottle
  • Snacks
  • Phone charger
  • Essential oils (diffusers are available)
  • Speaker (Spotify is available)
  • Any other preferred items (ie. TENS machine)

Birthing Person

  • Casual, comfortable day wear clothes
  • Nightwear (pyjamas, dressing gown)
  • Slippers/comfortable shoes
  • Maternity bra (2)
  • Maternity pads (2 packets)
  • Toiletries
  • Nipple cream (if preferred)


  • Singlets
  • Jumpsuits (long sleeved)
  • Wraps/swaddles/blankets
  • Baby wipes
  • Nappies
  • Hats/booties
  • Formula and bottles (if choosing not to breastfeed)

Please keep any money, jewellery or other valuables at home.

A small locked draw is available.