- 1882 First patient admitted to hospital
- 1890 New south wing of the hospital was built
- 1907 Operating Theatre, Nurses Home and Doctors’ accommodation constructed
- 1925 Installation of the first x-ray plant
- 1938 Opening of Camray Ward
- 1962 Construction of Midwifery Unit – Rose Baker Wing
- 1965 Soldiers’ Memorial Wing refurbished to geriatric ward
- 1968 The opening of Johnstone Wing
- 1970 Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy services commenced
- 1975 Establishment of the new Day Hospital
- 1978 Lumeah Nursing Home opened
- 1993 Echuca District Hospital became Echuca Regional Health
- 1999 Completion of the Hopwood Centre (Primary Care)
- 2003 Glanville Village aged care service opened
- 2006 Opening of the Alan Henry Thrum Operating Theatre
- 2008 Official opening of the Community Rehabilitation Centre
- 2009 Commencement of Master Plan process for new hospital
- 2010 Feasibility study and schematic designs commenced
- 2011 $65.6 million secured for hospital redevelopment
- 2011 Echuca Regional Health Education Centre is established
- 2012 Construction commenced on the new and expanded Echuca hospital
- 2014 Official opening of the new Echuca hospital stage one
- 2015 Completion and official opening of stage two
- 2016 Installation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- 2017 Opening of the Short Stay Unit and new ERH Public Café
- 2019 ERH wins the Victorian Public Healthcare Award for the ‘whole of hospital model for responding to family violence’ as lead across Murray Cluster
- 2020 Funding is secured for new Echuca Regional Health Cancer and Wellness Centre
- 2021 Construction commences for the new Cancer and Wellness Centre in July
- 2021 ERH appointment of first female CEO
- 2022 Cancer and Wellness Centre opens to patients in November