ERH Board of Directors

The nine (9) members of the Board of Directors are responsible for setting the strategic direction of Echuca Regional Health within the framework of government policy.

The Board of Directors oversee the quality of care provided, taking an active role in planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Convening once a month, these meetings also incorporate Finance, Fundraising, People & Culture, Audit & Risk, Clinical Governance and Quality, and Consumer Advisory matters.

They are accountable for ensuring Echuca Regional Health:
• Is efficiently managed
• Provides high quality care and service delivery
• Meets the needs of the community
• Meets financial and non-financial performance targets
Members are appointed for a term by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Health. They are required to declare a pecuniary interest when applicable, during Board debate and withdraw from proceedings.

Stacy Williams

Board Chairperson
1 July 2021

Stacy was first appointed to the Board in July 2021.

Stacy is an experienced Local Government Community Services Director with over 18 years’ experience in rural and regional Local Government.

Stacy is currently employed as the Director, Healthy Communities and Environments at City of Greater Bendigo.

Stacy’s executive experience spans across aged care, children’s services, NDIS, community development, community health and emergency management. Stacy has previously held roles in business transformation and ICT.

Stacy is the ERH Board Chairperson (from July 2023) and is a member of the ERH Board Governance, Finance and Clinical Governance & Quality Committees.

Bachelor of Social Work, Grad.Cert Management.

Scott Webb

Senior Vice Chairperson & Treasurer
1 July 2020

Scott was first appointed to the ERH Board in July 2020.

Scott previously worked in the banking sector before moving into accounting where for the past 18 years, is a Director of Peat Partners local accounting firm.

Scott is passionate about health and fitness, community involvement and fundraising for the Health Service.

Scott was appointed to the joint role of Board Senior Vice Chair and Treasurer in March 2024, and is the Chair of the ERH Fundraising Committee and the Finance Committee. He is also a member of the ERH Audit and Risk Committee.

Bachelor of Business and Commerce specialising in Accounting, Graduate Diploma (ICAA) Accounting and Registered Tax Agent.

Michelle Johns

Junior Vice Chairperson
6 August 2019

Michelle was appointed to the Board in 2019.

Michelle’s career history includes being a Financial Planner, Regional Manager and State Manager of financial planning businesses.

As a financial planner, Michelle was an Accredited Aged Care Professional and specialised in this area. Recently Michelle’s career has focused on the governance and compliance of financial planning businesses and currently the Head of Advice for an Australian Financial Planning Licensee.

Michelle was first elected as Junior Vice Chairperson in July 2023 and is a member of the Fundraising, Finance and People & Culture Committees. Michelle is also Chair of the Board Governance Committee.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning (AdvDipFS(FP)), Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning (GDipFinPlan) and member of the Institute of Community Directors Australia (GAICD).


Dan Butel

1 July 2020

Dan was first appointed to the Board in July 2020.

Dan has extensive experience in the leadership and management of ICT in local government, not-for-profit, education and casino and entertainment sectors in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia and is currently employed as the Business Integration Manager at Campaspe Shire Council. Dan is a certified professional member (MACS CP) of the Australian Computer Society, member of the Institute of Community Directors Australia, and a member of Local Government Professionals.

Dan is a Trust Member of the Echuca Cemetery Trust, Board Member of Star Cinema, and is an independent member of several Local Government and Health Audit and Risk Committees.

Dan is a member of the ERH Board Governance and People & Culture Committees and is also Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee.

Bachelor of Information Technology (BInfoTech), Postgraduate Diploma in Health Service Management (PGDipHSM), Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Administration (Management)(PGDipBusAdmin).

Dr Sydney Paul

1 July 2018

Sydney was first appointed to the Board in July 2018.

Sydney is a medical practitioner working in regional Australia and is currently the Practice Principal and a Family Physician in the Shiloh Medical Practice, Deniliquin, NSW.  Sydney is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, the New South Wales Rural Doctors Network, Rural Doctors Association, Australian Medical Association and Christian Medical & Dental Fellowship of Australia.

Sydney is the Deputy Chair of the Moama Anglican Grammar Board (effective June 2024).

Sydney is a member of the ERH Board Clinical Governance & Quality Committee and is this Committee’s delegate on the Audit & Risk Committee.

MBBS, Madras, India, FRACGP, Melbourne, Australia, Graduate Diploma in Divinity, Melbourne, Australia, Diploma in Dermatology, QLD, Australia, Diploma in Counselling, QLD, Australia.

Christopher Sykes

1 July 2020

Chris was first appointed to the Board in July 2020.

Chris is a senior lawyer with extensive experience in health law and administration. He has worked in private practice and in-house. Chris brings a knowledgeable and practical approach to advising both public and private health services and government. Chris is currently Corporate Counsel for Latrobe Regional Health and provides advice on all aspects of the business. He also consults privately in health law matters and delivers medicolegal training to health services. Chris combines his broad legal expertise with extensive knowledge and experience in clinical and corporate governance.

In addition to his legal work, Chris is a qualified sonographer and has worked in public and private health for more than 25 years. He currently maintains a vascular ultrasound consultancy. Chris has held post graduate teaching positions in law, ethics and ultrasound physics, and has been a clinical examiner and member of the Board of Examiners for the Australasian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine. Chris was previously chair of the Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry and worked closely with government on regulatory matters.

He is a previous Board Member of Macedon Ranges Health. Chris is passionate about regional health and achieving quality outcomes for regional communities.

Chris is a member of the ERH Clinical Governance and Quality Committee, Governance Committee, and Consumer Advisory Committee.

BAppSci(Hons), Grad Dip (Medical Ultrasound), Juris Doctor.

Janet Chapman

1 July 2022

Janet was first appointed to the Board in July 2022.

Janet has had an extensive career in health in both NSW and Victoria, including as the Interim CEO of Albury Wodonga Health, Deputy CEO Albury Wodonga Health, Regional Director Health for Hume Region, and Manager Service & Corporate Planning for Greater Southern Area Health Service (NSW).

Janet is passionate about rural and regional health and has a particular interest in improving access to care. Janet retired from full-time work during 2022/23 and is enjoying her new roles as a Board director for ERH and for Westmont Aged Care Services, and as a member of the Hume region Interim Mental Health body.

With qualifications including Bachelor of Science, Diploma in Education, Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition and a Masters in Health Service Management, Janet also holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position at La Trobe University, as well as being a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Janet is the Chair of the ERH Board Clinical Governance and Quality Committee, and a member of the Board Governance and Finance Committees.

Warren Jose

1 July 2022

Warren was first appointed to the Board in July 2022.

Warren is an experienced Water & Irrigation sector Executive. Since 2010, he has held executive management roles in both private (Murray Irrigation) and public sector companies (Central Highlands Water and Goulburn Murray Water).

With a Bachelor of Engineering (Geological) and a Masters of Engineering Science (Geotechnical), Warren has nearly 30 years industry experience working in Australia and Europe. His key expertise relates to infrastructure modernisation and capital programs, major project delivery, strategic asset planning and management, general construction and maintenance activities.

Currently, Warren holds the role of General Manager, Infrastructure Delivery Services at Goulburn Murray Water.

Warren is Chair of the ERH People & Culture Committee and is a member of the Finance Committee.

Simone Knight

1 July 2023

Simone was first appointed to the Board in July 2023.

Simone has worked as a Senior Associate in a large commercial law firm in their competition and regulatory practice.

Her competition practice involved advising private sector clients on issues such as merger analysis, anticompetitive practices and consumer protection and her regulatory practice involved advising public sector clients on diverse issues such as regulatory investigations, statutory powers and functions and legislative reform.

Simone also spent many years as a volunteer lawyer at a homeless person’s law clinic.

Currently, Simone operates a large mixed cropping operation with her husband.

Simone is an independent member of Campaspe Shire Council’s audit and risk committee and a recent board member of Moama Anglican Grammar (term concluded in 2024).

Simone is Chair of the ERH Consumer Advisory Committee (from March 2024), and is a member of the ERH Audit & Risk, Clinical Governance & Quality and Fundraising Committees.

Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Monash University, Bachelor of Business (Management), Monash University, Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Skills and Ethics, Monash University.