Contact the Nurse Unit Manager during business hours, or the Nurse In Charge out of hours, for further information and individual planning.
Ph. 03 5485 5000
Here at Echuca Regional Health (ERH) we wish to support people who are nearing end of life by supporting their family and friends to visit, whilst continuing to provide a COVID Safe environment for all patients and staff. We will work with you to establish a visiting routine that best suits your situation.
The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) describe visitation restrictions for End of Life Care and Support as;
‘If you are providing care and support at the end of a persons life, where the person is unable to go home from hospital and their condition is deteriorating in a manner where death is likely in the next few days (up to 14), up to two people may visit at any one time with no limits on the number and duration of visits.’
Where there are greater than two immediate family members who wish to visit, this may be facilitated using a rotational roster.
We ask families to develop a visiting roster with loved ones, allowing no more than two people to be present with the patient at any given time.
We ask families to provide the names and contact numbers of nominated visitors to the Nurse in Charge.
When not with the patient, we ask families to leave the hospital, if this is a feasible option.
In the event that family have travelled and need somewhere to sit in a private space, whilst practicing social distancing, we have made the Malka Room available during the day and at night time.
All staff and visitors to the health service are required to undertake COVID-19 screening prior to entry to the health service, on every occasion of entry.
All staff and visitors must provide their name, contact details and reason for visit on every occasion of entry.
You must not visit if you have:
- Arrived / returned from overseas in the last 14 days
- Tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting results
- Had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is awaiting test results
- A temperature higher than 37.5 degrees on arrival
- Respiratory symptoms such as;
- Breathlessness or breathing difficulties
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Fatigue or tiredness
- Visitors from Melbourne or other ‘hot spot’ locations are permitted to visit immediate family nearing end of life if screening requirements are met and they are a nominated
- Children less than 16 years are permitted for short periods if their visit fits with end of life support for a sibling, parent or grandparent.
We ask all visitors to:
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitiser on entry to the health service, after using the lift, handrails etc.
- Practice physical distancing where ever possible
- Wear a face mask at all times
- Limit movement around the health service and remain in the patient room at all times
- Leave the hospital promptly when visit is over