Supporting everyone to be healthy and live well


Community members are reminded that the ERH Emergency Department isn’t available for Covid-19 testing. Anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms are encouraged to seek medical attention from a General Practitioner (GP).

For people who have tested positive to Covid-19 and are unwell you are advised to contact your GP for an appointment to discuss your options, however if you can’t get a timely appointment the following options are available:

Contact nurse-on-call 1300 606 024

My Emergency Doctor 1800 123 633 or visit to connect with a doctor

Victorian Virtual Emergency Department via their website

GP Respiratory Clinics- GP Respiratory Clinics | Coronavirus Victoria


If you are seriously unwell with Covid-19 and need to attend the Emergency Department please call ahead to let staff know you are coming in or if an emergency call 000.

For all other Covid-19 information please visit the Victorian Coronavirus website- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria | Coronavirus Victoria


How to isolate effectively at home. 

If you test positive for COVID-19, you should isolate for at least 5 days or until you don’t have any symptoms.

Stay in your room

  • It is recommended you isolate separately from the members of your household by staying in your room as much as possible. Use a separate bathroom if you have one.
  • Try not to enter shared areas, such as the kitchen or living room, if other people in the house are using it regularly.
  • Try not to have any close contact with others, including touching, kissing and hugging.

Limit numbers in the house

  • Limit the number of people who are staying in the household. Consider alternative places for them to stay if that is safe and possible.
    • Vulnerable people (for example, elderly people, immunocompromised people or people with chronic illnesses) are at greater risk and are recommended to stay elsewhere if they are able to.
  • Visitors should not be coming to the house while you or anyone in your house are isolating.

Masks, ventilation and hygiene matter

  • Keep the doors and windows open as much as possible to let the fresh air blow through – and if you have ceiling fans, keep them running at low speed. However, this may need to be balanced against making sure the temperature in the house remains comfortable.
  • If you need to be in the same room as someone else at home, wear a face mask and keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres away from other household members.
  • Wash or sanitise your hands for at least 20 seconds after you cough, sneeze, blow your nose or take off gloves and masks.
  • Wipe down surfaces that you use regularly, like doorknobs to your room and bathroom.
  • If people are leaving you meals, tell them to leave it at the door and only collect the meal once they have moved away from the area.
  • You should not share cups, glasses, plates, utensils, towels or bedding with others in your home.

As with any illness, even if you’re feeling well or only slightly unwell, it’s important to watch your symptoms and understand when you might need to get help. If you have worsening symptoms:

  • Call Nurse On Call on 1300 606 024 (available 24 hours)
  • Call a GP and ask for a telephone or telehealth appointment
  • Call 000 (having difficulty breathing, chest pain or cannot take care of yourself)
    • Remember to tell them know you have COVID 19

Vaccination Information

COVID-19 Vaccination Information