Make a Donation

How to Make a Donation

Donations can be made to Echuca Regional Health in a number of ways. General donations to the Health Service are managed by Echuca Regional Health, however you can specify that your donation be used in a specific area of the Health Service. You can make donations in the following ways.

Donate Online:

Donate By Phone:

Telephone donations can be made by ringing Echuca Regional Health on 03 5485 5000.

Donate By Mail:

To make a donation to Echuca Regional Health, download and print the donation form below and mail to:
Echuca Regional Health
226 Service Street
Echuca VIC 3564

Download the ERH Donation form here.

Donate By Fax:

Donation forms may also be faxed to Echuca Regional Health on 03 5482 5478 (credit card only).

Memorial Donations

In fond memory of a much loved family member or friend, a Gift of Remembrance is a meaningful alternative to sending flowers when someone close passes away.

Your donation is invested in such a way it ensures our community has a health service that can provide the best possible health care.

Each Gift of Remembrance is acknowledged according to your wishes and you will receive a receipt for your donation

By making a bequest to Echuca Regional Health, after meeting the needs of your loved ones, you are making an ongoing commitment to the health and wellbeing of those treasured people in your life.

For Further Information

Please telephone (03) 5485 5000 or by emailing


All donations to ERH over $2 are tax deductible. A receipt will be mailed to you promptly. ERH follows the National Privacy Principles. Be assured your details remain confidential and we do not supply our donor details to any other organisations.