Contact Details
Hours: | 8:00am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday |
Location: | 1st Floor Lumeah Building, entrance via Leichardt Street |
Phone: | Medical Day Unit on 03 5485 5229 or Nurse Unit Manager outside these hours on 03 5485 5225 |
Fax: | 03 5485 5239 |
- Clients receive medical day treatments such as blood transfusions and other medical infusions/medication therapy or venesections to treat chronic medical conditions.
- Treatments will only be given within the hours of operation. Clients needing treatments and care for more than 6-8 hours will not qualify for medical day unit admission.
- Patients must be ambulatory and of stable condition suitable to receive treatment in a day unit setting.
- Clients who are unwell with an acute condition may need further assessment and referral to have treatment on the medical ward as an inpatient.
Referrals are accepted from GP VMO or medical practices with admitting rights to ERH.
Where possible please use appropriate request forms ie Blood Transfusion form or Medical Day Treatment:request for treatment forms.
Referrals to be faxed to MDTU on 54855239.
There is no charge to public clients.
Clients may elect to use their private health insurance – please enquire for further information on our “no gaps” policy.
Departments and Services In Patient Services Medical Day Treatment Unit