Contact Details
Hours: | 8:30am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday |
Location: | Echuca Regional Health |
Phone: | 03 5485 5836 or 0400 051 962 |
- Provide Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people using services at Echuca Regional Health
- Assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to access other services in the Community, including:
- Echuca Moama Family Medical Practice
- Njernda Health Services (Echuca)
- Rich River Health Group (Echuca)
- Rumbalara (Shepparton)
- Viney Morgan AMS (Cummeragunja)
- Support Echuca Regional Health staff to ensure culturally sensitive health services are provided
- Ensure appropriate referrals are made to other services
- Be an advocate for all Aboriginal People and carers within Echuca Regional Health
- Organise transport of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to and from hospital
- Provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people following discharge from hospital
Plaques placed at the ERH entrances “are to show Aboriginal people that they are welcome at ERH and so they know ERH is Koori-friendly”.
Meet our team - Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer - Sonya Parsons (nee Briggs), Emotional Wellbeing Worker - Gilbert Wanganeen & Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer - Merinda Slater
What is your role at ERH?
“Supporting all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who present at ERH as well as Sharing and teaching staff a cultural safety way to support community.”
What do you enjoy most about your role as ALO at ERH?
“Supporting community to a healthy long life and providing support to help make lifestyle changes.”
How does your role support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the community?
“As an advocate for my community and culture I am able to walk in both worlds as a community first nation’s person and as a community person working in a mainstream organisation. I get to share and teach my culture to all.”
Is there anything you would like to share about indigenous culture that our community may learn from?
“Our spiritual and emotional connection to land allows us to help nurture and protect mother earth.
We respect our culture by respecting land, water, air, fire and sunlight. These are the elements of our existence and is a part of our DNA. I am a child of the Dreamtime. Please share and respect our culture through stories, song and dance.”
Departments and Services In Patient Services Aboriginal Liaison Officers