ERH Bereavement Walking Group

Our ERH Bereavement Walking Group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month and we would love for you to join us!
If you or someone you know in the community may benefit from this wonderful initiative, please feel free to call the Palliative Care team for more information , or just come along on Wednesday morning at 10am. All welcome.

What is the bereavement walking group?

The bereavement walking group is an initiative of the ERH Community Palliative Care Service and forms part of the follow-up of those partners/carers grieving the loss of a loved one.
The group meets on the Fourth Wednesday of each month at 10am for a 30-40 minute walk, followed by morning tea (with delicious scones from our ERH kitchen!)

The meeting point is outside the ERH Education Centre in Leichardt Street and is open to both males & females who would like to meet with others who have lost a loved one.

Grief can be a very lonely & isolating experience, especially when you have been actively caring for a loved one throughout a long illness. It is comforting to know that there are others who understand and care.

Everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there!

ERH Community Palliative Care Service   PH:  5485 5231